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Body Cleanses

 Detoxify your digestive system safely and thoroughly with these natural cleanses from Rudy and Jeanie Davis' DVD

Caution: do not fast longer than 3 days without the supervision of a professional.

A Cleanse for Igniting the Body's Healing

Ignite the body's healing ability with this cleanse.

For the first 21 days your foods must be at least 80% raw:

  • Have at least 16oz of fresh-squeezed vegetable juice twice a day

  • Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days a week, producing a good sweat each time

  • Get lots of sunshine and fresh air daily by walking outside

  • Be temperate in all working and eating habits

  • Get at least 8 hours of rest every night


Second comes the 3-day water fast:

  • No working or exercise during the fast

  • No TV or other entertainment as the brain needs to focus completely on cleansing

  • Pray and commune with God but don't do any intense study

  • Sleep whenever you feel tired

  • Disconnect the phone and other annoyances

  • Drink lots of water.


During the fast you may experience some symptoms you've previously had, or you may feel nothing but tired. Whatever you body needs to do, just listen. You may experience nothing at all which could mean that your body has taken care of whatever it needed to take care of from the foods you have been consuming and your improved way of life. Remember, your body heals in the order it got sick.

Caution: do not fast longer than 3 days without the supervision of a professional.

A 5-Day Fruit and Veggie Cleanse

For 3 days, drink 8-12 glasses of fresh squeezed juice. At least 85% of the juice should be from vegetables. The rest can be fruit such as apple, orange, beet, or celery.

Drink juice throughout the day. If you find you are hungry, add more juice.

On the 4th day, eat only fresh raw fruits.

On the 5th day have fresh raw fruit for breakfast and fresh raw veggies for lunch.

On the 6th day, return to your regular eating schedule.

A 3-Day Melon Cleanse


This cleanse is for those with high blood pressure, but not for diabetics. Do not use this cleanse if you have diabetes.

For 3 days, eat nothing but melons such as canteloupe, watermelon, and honeydew. You may eat as often you are hungry as melons digest very rapidly when eaten alone. Make sure your melons are ripe, and drink plenty of water.

This cleanse will help clean your body tremendously. Melons clean the nephronic membranes of the kidneys better than anything known.

A Grape Cleanse

This cleanse is excellent for people with mucus, phlegm, or pus build-up in their body manifested through symptoms such as fatigue, asthma, bronchitis, hurting liver, painful bowels, edema, varicose veins, headaches, skin rashes and irritations, and constipation.


Grapes are fantastic for cleaning the whole body. Here are some health benefits of grapes:

  • Most potent of all medicinal foods

  • Detoxify the whole body

  • Contain tartaric acid which removes mucus

  • Stop viruses in their tracks, specifically the herpes and polio virus

  • High in magnesium which cures constipation

  • Relieve gastritis

  • Reverses chronic acidosis to 7-8 pH

  • High in iron which reverses anemia

  • Contain ellagic acid that scavenges carcinogens

  • Contain caffeic acid—a cancer preventative

  • Superior energy source Eliminate stored solids in tissues

  • Help reverse heart disease

  • Protect from antioxidant damage

  • Protect from airborne pollutants

  • Relieve mental exhaustion

  • Soothe the nervous system

  • Improve calcium absorption and also contain calcium

  • Sustain nursing infants (grape juice)


To achieve these results, grapes are best eaten alone as a meal. Grape fasting cleanses the tissues and the taste buds bringing them into harmony with a healthful appetite. Your desire for stimulating foods will be greatly lessened.


  • If you develop a coated tongue, do not worry. That means your liver is toxic and is cleaning itself out. You may also notice mucus in your urine or feces. Do not be alarmed.

  • When possible, buy certified organic grapes. If you can't find them, buy normal grapes, but clean well. 

  • Grape juice should be homemade, not store bought. Process the grapes, including the seeds, in a juicer. Black, seeded grapes are the most nutrient dense.

  • To purify your blood, create a mixture of homemade grape juice and homemade almond milk. To make the nut milk, soak a cup of almonds overnight. Then, drain off the water and rinse. Place the nuts in a blender or soymilk maker with enough fresh water to cover the nuts. Blend well, adding more water if desired. Strain through cheesecloth to remove fibre. Then, mix the almond milk half and half with fresh grape juice.

"For imparting vitality and building up resistance to disease, raw juices have no equal and should form part of the daily diet of young and old alike." 

                      Coconut Water- A laxative

Coconuts have many health benefits including the coconut water. Coconut water is a natural laxative and its regular use is effective in relieving constipation.

What makes coconut oil so effective in relieving constipation:

Coconut fiber through coconut meat and coconut flour :

Coconut meat is one of the richest natural fiber sources.

The fiber percentage in coconut is even higher than wheat

barn, etc. We need 20-35 grams of fiber per day but most of us

do not even consume half of this quantity, due to the consumption

of highly refined and processed food. Fiber does not provide nutrition

but helps in promoting nutrient absorption, intestinal health and helps

food pass through the digestive system and adds bulk to the stool. Fiber

also absorbs water providing a moist mass which can be easily moved though

intestine. This helps in providing bulk and body to feces. If our diet is low in fiber

it is harder for the intestinal muscles to do its job if pushing out waste, causing constipation. The more time it takes, more moisture is absorbed and it gets even tougher to have regular bowel movements. One way of breaking this cycle is to add coconut fiber to your diet regularly.

Coconut milk is also effective.

Coconut water : Coconut water helps in relieving constipation. In fact it has also been used as a natural laxative.

Disclaimer:All information provided on this site, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment. The information provided on Gbbministry Facebook shop or websites is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. The information provided by Gbbministry, including printed materials, audio and video resources is for educational purposes only and is NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor are they meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, or other medical problems. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified heath care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical treatment, and while every case has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, Gbbministry cannot accept legal responsibility for any problems arising from experimentation with our products and the information described. Any application of suggestions set forth in the following portions of this website is at the reader's and consumers discretion and sole risk. Implementation or experimentation with any supplements, herbs, dietary changes, medications, etc. is done so at your sole risk and responsibility and should be discussed with your personal physician first. We seek to help person to get back to the natural way of eating and treating disease, the way God has laid down for us, as is found is Genesis 1:29.

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