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We are is a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the entire world, through television, radio, literature, prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism training. Gbbministry is a nonprofit, donor-supported ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.


Our Mission: Going Behind Borders,Reaching the Unreachable forJesus. Our Goal: To bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of Salvation to every one.

Gbbministry was Founded on July 27th 2012.

We have a standard programme of which can be followed daily to get a message from the Lord on our social media forums. We begin the day by giving the verse of the day, followed by health tips for the day, quote for the day, inspirational saying of the day, radio and TV programmes, talk your faith, break free, health nugget, story time, bible games, words of wisdom and impact day. 

What We Believe

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word

of God and is profitable for

correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness.

(See 2 Timothy 3:16.)

We believe that Jesus is the eternal, self-existent God and is not a created being. Even though He is fully God, He took upon Himself the form of a man to live and die for our sins. We also believe that He rose from the dead three days later.

We believe that the penalty for man's sin was paid on the cross of Calvary in Jesus' death. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). By believing on Jesus Christ and accepting the grace of His shed blood, we receive the gift of eternal life. "Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9).
Because we love Jesus for His sacrificial death, we want to obey Him as he commands in John 14:15. We are not saved by our works. But, because we are saved, we choose to keep His commandments as the guide for successful living.
We believe that prophecy reveals Jesus is coming again very soon. (See Matthew 24:32-51.)

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